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SCIENTIFIC NAME: Camelus bactrianus
HOUSE NAME: Male "KJ" Female "Mona"
HABITAT: Gobi desert, Asia
CONSERVATION STATUS: Critically Endangered (Wild Species)
Wild Camel Protection Foundation
iMAGE: KJ, the male is on the left,
next to his mother Mona. KJ is taller than Mona.
FUN FACT: Known for its ability to go long periods without drinking, the camel does not store water in its hump or stomach. The humps are actually masses of fat that nourish the animal when food is scarce. The camel uses water with efficiency as most desert animals do. It can drink up to 25 gallons at once, and suffer huge losses of water without ill effect.
DESCRIPTION: Up to 7 feet tall at the hump, weighs 1,000-1,800 pounds. Has two humps which are fat reserves. Shaggy coats. Feet have thick soles, and elastic pads that spread as an adaptation for dispersing their weight while walking on sand. Bushy eyebrows, double rows of eyelashes, ears lined with hair, and special muscles in nose and lips can close tightly for long periods of time, all of which are adaptations to protect against sun and blowing sand.
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