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SCIENTIFIC NAME: Anas Bahamensis
HABITAT: Coastal habitats, mangrove swamps, estuaries, saline or brackish pools and lagoon extending through the Caribbean and West Indies into South America.
FUN FACT: There are three subspecies of the white-cheeked pintail. A. b. bahamensis (lesser white-cheeked pintail)- West Indies, N South America to N. Brazil A. b. rubrirostris (greater white-cheeked pintail)- E Bolivia and S Brazil to N Argentina and Uruguay A. b. galapagensis (Galapagos white-cheeked pintail)- Galapagos Islands.
DIET: There is limited information on diet in the wild but based on habitat type their diet includes a variety of aquatic plants and grasses. It is possible that they also consume aquatic invertebrates.
DESCRIPTION: Length can range from 14- 20 inches and wingspan between 21- 27 inches. Weight can range between 1- 1.2 pounds. Males produce a low whistle call and females produce a weak quack.
Male Plumage: This bird has pure white feathers on its cheek that extend on to the throat and upper part of the neck. The bright white coloration contrasts with the black flecked feathers on the head and the bright orange at the base of their beak. The body of this bird is covered in reddish-brown feathers which are spotted with black. The back feathers are darker in color with reddish-buff edges. The wing feathers have an iridescent patch which is bordered in cinnamon-buff feathers. The tail can be white or buff in coloration. The eyes are dark brown and the feet and legs are grey.
Female Plumage: Differences between adult females and males are few. Females tend to be slightly smaller, duller coloration and a shorter tail.
Juvenile Plumage: Juveniles look very similar to adult females with one potential identifier being a less iridescent patch on the wing.
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